Hello all...
I know it's been a long while since I last posted, but it's been one depressing debacle after the other (you may read about it here, but you DO NOT have to donate anymore; I'm financially stable now and this is merely information I don't feel like typing again... You get the point)... But, things are looking good; every single problem on the dear-ol' Bimmer is now fixed, I'm going to be moving back to Orange County soon not just for my own sake since I miss it out there so much, but also since I do have a high-paying position out there and commuting 1.5 hours and leaving at 6:00 AM, then another 1.5 hours to come back to this place I lay my head down at (I don't even want to call it "home", but that's another story for another time) is getting old. FAST.
Anyway, per popular(?) request (so far it's about 5 people in my car forums), I've decided to do a play-by-play.
So, a girl named Nicole has popped into my life. Not just someone I recently met, but someone that I chit-chatted with about 4 years ago while visiting my dad in Portland, but never exchanged info.
Anyway, [cue Calvin Harris], when I met [her] in the summer... Of 2011, my dad was working at a vintage eyeglass dispensary in Pioneer Square (Erstwhile Opticians on SW Yamhill and 6th), I decided to chat with her while I was waiting for coffee at the nearby Starbucks (I know, I know; I'm a connoisseur, but I wanted an iced coffee RITE NAO!)... She was a student at PSU, or about 1/2 mile up the street, and we bonded over the fact that she was Asian and wore a Led Zeppelin shirt NOT because it was something she got from the thrift store...
Now mind you, almost all Asian girls I've met usually listen to Pop, Top 40 and Alt Rock like Maroon 5 or Panic at the most, and only 2-3 of my friends my age [that I know of] actually listens to classic rock, so imagine my surprise, eh? She officially became the coolest Asian girl EVAR. If it was today and she cooks decent meals, knows how to drive manual transmission and keeps a well-maintained car, I think I'd look like this:
I didn't consider exchanging numbers (dumb move), since I figured with a long-distance relationship that I really wanted for it to work out (but didn't), I'd avoid the headaches of LDRs and swore off dating anyone that lives beyond 30 miles from me ever again.
Fast forward to last Tuesday, ironically we meet at Starbucks again--this time in my neck of the woods; words cannot describe how surprised we both were!
And it goes a little something like this [HIT IT]...
Me: Excuse me, but you seem kinda familiar...
Her: Actually, you do too. I wanna say I've met you, but it was far away.
Me: Hmm, that's where it... [long pause] Wait... Have you been to Portland?
Her: Wow! I never thought I'd meet anybody from Oregon here!
Me: Hold up [pause]... HOLY SMOKES, you're that girl with the Led Zep shirt at Pioneer Square!
Her: [gasp] Oh my God, yes! [squeals and hugs me] how have you been?
...Then after some catching up, she agreed to a date! So excited!